
 Journal Publications (students and post-docs underlined)

Chen, R., Chang, D.,  Krupka, E., Song, Z. (forthcoming) Do Policy Instruments That Ban Social Identity Expression Increase Economic Cooperation? The European Economic Review.
Bae, J.; Choi, B.; Krupka, E.; Lee, S. (forthcoming). Harnessing Project Identity and Safety Norms to Promote Construction Workers’ Safety Behavior: A Field Intervention Study. ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management.
Krupka, E. and R. Weber (forthcoming). A Review of the Krupka & Weber Norm Elicitation Mechanism, Chapter in Edward Elgar Encyclopedia of Behavioural and Experimental Economics, (eds. Hoffmann, R.;  Neelim, A. and Chuah, S.).
Kullgren, J. T., Kim, H. M., Slowey, M., Colbert, J., Soyster, B., Winston, S. A., Ryan, K., Forman, J., Riba, M., Fagerlin, A., Krupka, E., Kerr, E. A. (2024). Using Behavioral Economics to Reduce Low-Value Care Among Older Adults: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Internal Medicine184(3), 281-290.
Kimbrough, E., Krupka, E., Kumar, R., Murray, J., and Ramalingam, A. (2024). On the Stability of Norms and Norm-Following Propensity: A Cross Cultural Panel Study with Adolescents.  Experimental Economics (2024): 1-28.
Murray, J. M., Sánchez-Franco, S. C., Sarmiento, O. L., Kimbrough, E. O., Tate, C., Montgomery, S. C., … & Hunter, R. F. (2023). Selection homophily and peer influence for adolescents’ smoking and vaping norms and outcomes in high and middle-income settings. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications10(1), 1-35.
Krupka, E., Hoover, H., Eckel, C., Rosenblat, T., Ojumu, O., & Wilson, R. K. (2023). Multiple social identities cloud norm perception: Responses to COVID-19 among university aged Republicans and Democrats. Frontiers in Behavioral Economics2, 1205873.
Eckel, C. C., Hoover, H. G., Krupka, E. L., Sinha, N., & Wilson, R. K. (2023). Using social norms to explain giving behavior. Experimental Economics26(5), 1115-1141.
Tate, C., Kumar, R., Murray, J.M., Sanchez-Franco, S., Sarmiento, O.L., Montgomery, S.C., Zhou, H., Ramalingam, A., Krupka, E., Kimbrough, E. and Kee, F., (2022). The personality and cognitive traits associated with adolescents’ sensitivity to social norms.  Scientific reports12(1), pp.1-11.
Krupka, E., R. Weber, R. Croson & H. Hoover. (2022). When in Rome: Identifying Social Norms as a Group Phenomenon. Appendix. Experimental InstructionsSupplemental Analysis. Dofile. Datafile. Judgement and Decision Making Journal, 17(2), 263-283.
Murray, J.M., Kimbrough, E.O., Krupka, E.L. et al. (2020) Confirmatory factor analysis comparing incentivized experiments with self-report methods to elicit adolescent smoking and vaping social norms. Scientific Reports 10, 15818.
Hunter, R.; Montes, F.; Murray, J. et al. (2020) Mechanisms Study: Using Game Theory to assess the effects of social norms and social networks on adolescent smoking in schools -a proof of concept study. Frontiers in Public Health, section Public Health Education and Promotion, 8, 377.
Chang, D., R. Chen & E. Krupka. (2019). Rhetoric matters: A social norms explanation for the anomaly of framing. Games and Economic Behavior, 116, 158-178.   (Appendix with experimental instructions). (Note that the online version from GEB is too large for me to store here.  You can find it here.)
Chen, Y., M. Jiang, & E. Krupka. (2019). Hunger and the Gender Gap. Experimental Economics, 22(4), 885-917.   Copy of an earlier version here: Hunger and Economic Decisions: A Direct Test.
Jenkins, K. R., N. Fakhoury, C. Richardson, M. Segar, E. Krupka, J. Kullgren. (2019). Characterizing Employees’ Preferences for Incentives for Healthy Behaviors: Examples to Improve Interest in Wellness Programs. Health Promotion Practice, 20(6), 880-889.
Kullgren, J., E. Krupka, A. Schachter, A. Linden, J. Miller, Y. Acharya, J. Alford, R. Duffy & J. Adler-Milstein. (2018). Primary Care Clinician Commitments to Choose Wisely About Low-Value Services: A Mixed-Methods, Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Trial. British Medical Journal Quality and Safety, 27(5), 355-364.
Krupka, E., S. Leider & M. Jiang. (2017). A Meeting of the Minds: Contracts and Social Norms Management Science, 63(6), 1708-1729. (Appendix I, Appendix of instructions, Stata files and Ztree files available on request).
Anderson, K., K. Song, S. Lee, E. Krupka, H. Lee & M. Park. (2017). Longitudinal Analysis of Normative Energy Use Feedback on Dormitory Occupants’ Energy Consumption.  Applied Energy, 189, 623-639.
Kullgren, J., Krupka, E., Schachter, A. A., Linden, A., Miller, J., Alford, J., & Alder-Milstein, J. (2016, May). A Randomized Trial of a Behavioral Economic Intervention to Decrease Overuse of Low-Value Health Services. In Journal of General Internal Medicine (Vol. 31, pp. S105-S105). 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USA: SPRINGER.
Krupka, E. & R. Croson. (2016). The Differential Impact of Social Norms Cues on Charitable ContributionsJournal of Economic Behavior & Organization (Appendix I).
Zulman, D. M., L. Damschroder, R. Smith, P. Resnick, A. Sen, E. Krupka & C. Richardson. (2013). Implementation and evaluation of an incentivized Internet-mediated walking program for obese adults. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 3(4), 357-369.
Gino, F., E. Krupka & R. Weber. (2013). License to Cheat: Voluntary Regulation and Ethical BehaviorManagement Science, 59(10), 2187-2203.
Krupka, E. & M. Stephens. (2013). The Stability of Measured Time PreferencesJournal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 85, 11-19.
Krupka, E. & R. Weber. (2013). Identifying Social Norms Using Coordination Games: Why Does Dictator Game Sharing Vary?.  Journal of the European Economic Association, 11(3), 495-524 (Appendix I, Appendix of instructions, Ztree files upon request).
Burks, S. V. & E. Krupka. (2012). Behavioral Economic Field Experiments Can Identify Normative Alignments and Misalignments within a Corporate Hierarchy: Evidence from the Financial Services Industry.  Management Science, 58:203-217 (online appendix).
Krupka, E. & R. Weber. (2009). The Focusing and Informational Effects of Norms on Pro Social BehaviorThe Journal of Economic Psychology, 30(3), 307-320.
Lusardi, A., R. Cossa & E. Krupka. (2001). Savings of Young ParentsJournal of Human Resources, 36(4), 762-794.
Cossa, R.., J. Heckman, E. Kleindorfer (Krupka), D. Maciera & D. Meltzer. (1999). Opportunities for Productive Government Involvement in Health in Argentina. Contracted by the World Bank and prepared for the Secretary of Fiscal Equity of the Argentine Government.

Conference Publications (peer reviewed)

Chang, D., E. Krupka, E. Adar & A. Acquisti. (2016). Engineering Information Disclosure: Norm Shaping DesignsProceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2016 (CHI 2016). San Jose, CA, USA. May 7-11, 2016.
Munson, S., E. Krupka, C. Richardson & P. Resnick. (2015). Effects of Public Commitments and Accountability in a Technology-Supported Physical Activity InterventionProceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2015 (CHI 2015). Seoul, Korea. April 18-23.
Hullman, J., E. Krupka & E. Adar. (2015). Evaluating Approaches to Crowd Source Visual Analytics 2015 Collective Intelligence Conference.

Working Papers

Krupka, E., Lyon, T. and Mitra, A. (2023). Consumer Valuation of Credence Goods in Markets with Collective Reputation. Reject and Resubmit, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.
Schneeberger, A. and E. L. Krupka; (2023) Determinants of Norm Compliance: Moral Similarity and Group IdentificationReject & Resubmit, Management Science.
Krupka, E. and Lee, Y. (2023).  A Sticky Threat: How a Single Exposure of Misinformation Changes Beliefs, Behaviors, and Perceived Norms. Reject & Resubmit, Management Science.
Murray, J. M., Sanchez-Franco, S. C., Sarmiento, O. L., Kimbrough, E. O., Tate, C., Montgomery, S. C., Kumar, R., Dunne, L., Ramalingam, A., Krupka, E., Montes, F., Zhou, H., Moore, L., Bauld, L., Llorente, B., Kee, F., and Hunter, R. (2023). Moderators of peer influence effects for experimentally measured smoking and vaping norms, and other smoking outcomes, in adolescents from high and middle-income settings: the MECHANISMS study. Submitted European Journal of Social Psychology.
Murray, J. M., Sanchez-Franco, S. C., Sarmiento, O. L., Kimbrough, E. O., Tate, C., Montgomery, S. C., Kumar, R., Dunne, L., Ramalingam, A., Krupka, E. L., Montes, F., Zhou, H., Moore, L., Bauld, L., Llorente, B., Kee, F., & Hunter, R. F.; (2023). Mediation analysis investigating the mechanisms of two school-based smoking prevention interventions in adolescents from Northern Ireland and Bogotá: The MECHANISMS study. Manuscript
Dimant, E.; Krupka, E.; Robertt, A., Chang, G. (2024).  “Escalation and Polarization Spillovers”, Manuscript in preparation.
Krupka, E. and Z. Song; (2021). An Empirical Analysis of “We Thinking” and Status. Manuscript.
Chang, D., E. Krupka, E. Adar & A. Acquisti (2020). Social Nudges for Behavior Change. Manuscript.
Krupka, E., S. Leider, Jiang. Promises-keeping norms and renegotiation behavior.  Manuscript.

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